There are many truths, but Jesus fulfills them all

There are many truths, but Jesus fulfills them all

I am a natural energy healer. I am a Lightworker. 

I balance chakras; I am a Reiki healer. 
And I believe in several philosophies.
But most importantly, I am a Christ-follower. 

Jesus let me know that I am to put Him first before anything else that I claim to be. 
His command was loud and clear.
For instance, when I was searching for alternative healing book, I found a book called Christ-Centered Healers and Their Stories.
 How much clearer can God be? 

Needless to say, I bought the book right then and there.
I read it and found many Christians who practiced alternative medicine. 
And it was from there that I felt permission and validation that I am doing what I'm called to do.
But that's definitely not all that I have been called to read. I dive head-first into Scripture. 
So, he has sent me on a quest to study scriptures and find how Christ sits in the center of my practice and discipline.
And, dear reader, I am so excited to tell you what I have found.

To begin, the concept of all philosophies and religions meet in the middle:
Love and compassion connects us to the beauty of God that has been present from the very beginning of time. 

Christianity is a "new" religion compared to other teachings.  
I mean, time was still a concept before Jesus' conception and people were still people--
They craved the truth and for that craving to be satisfied.
And so many cultures found their truth in the only ways that they knew how-- through their own lens of meaning and through the teachings of their ancestors. 

Philosophies prior to Christ taught us how to look for God in the world despite the world. 
This is what emptying the mind is all about.
God knew this wasn't fulfilling our craving for Truth, so after thousands of years of pursuing God on our own terms, He gave us Himself in the flesh through Christ—
The only way we could be fulfilled.

 And when He did this, Jesus Himself had to know other teachings, including his own.

I mean, Jesus was Himself an Eastern mystic.

Jesus the priest, the human, as well as the Living God. 

I feel like we forget that Jesus was a human indeed. 
He had to develop his own Self before He could be the light of the world.  
He had to discern what was truth before He could claim to be the Truth.  
But as the times have went on and the truth of Jesus has gotten further from its source, the Light has grown dim.
We as people were given the duty to share the love and compassion of Christ--the same compassion that is present in any other philosophy and the same love that God showed the world through Jesus.

Christ is the center of all those teachings. He fulfills them because we never will be able to. As cited in Colossians 20-23,

"You have died with Christ, and he has set you free from the spiritual powers of this world. So why do you keep following the rules of the world, such as 'Don't handle! Don't taste! Don't touch!' 
Such rules are mere human teachings about things that deteriorate as we use them. 
These rules may seem wise because they require strong devotion, pious self-denial, and severe bodily discipline. But they provide no help in conquering a person's evil desires." 

In fact, very few people, including ascetics, succeed at even detaching for a moment.

But we let go of the world when we meditate. 
We let go and let God. 
Christ even practiced this.

With Jesus' life, death, and resurrection, He showed us an easier way to connect.  
He showed how to integrate these teachings into the world, 
And the scriptures tell us how to integrate his teachings into our world. 
But at one time, we could only comprehend His existence on our own terms, through our own cultures. 
That's just the way it was. 

Until Jesus--  because 
"Christ is the visible image of the invisible God." Colossians 2:15

Unless we were far better than the ones who attained the enlightened state-- the monks, the sages-- we would have to keep fulfilling our karma. 
We would have had to mimic the behavior of far more disciplined people than ourselves.
For just as Jesus said:

"For I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven."

Jesus was a human who lived a perfect life so we could have access to the only way to Heaven.

I combine my disciplines because they make sense; there is common ground among them all, but only fulfilled through Him.
Everything that I have learned is not a lie; it is just simply different.

I have never been more I love with Christ than I am now, but I found my way back to Him by exploring the philosophies that came before Him.
But my newfound loyalty won't stop me from pursuing the other truths that are out there;
After all, every good thing comes from God.  

The closer one gets to the truth, the clearer the truth becomes.
And every bit of Truth has been fulfilled in Jesus.

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