A Different Language

New Age Christianity 

A Difference in Language

The word psychic and Christian seems a bit strange to use in the same sentence or, in my case, the same teachings, but it is what I am. What I also am is a conscious and awake individual. So, the Conscious Christian is a change in verbiage so that the ways of New Age Spirituality can be evident as I put myself out there. 

As New Age spiritual teachings are layered with multiple philosophies and the metaphysical world, I intend to incorporate Christianity into those teachings. 

And that's what I have done and am doing. I just have specific boundaries that I set and are firm on;

  1. I am monotheistic. I honor all the faces of God that are found in other cultures. I find meaning and help through what they stand for, but I only believe in one true God, Yahweh. I only worship and acknowledge Him as the true God. 
  2. I do not believe in idols. Although sometimes I can unintentionally idolize tools that I use for Earthly protection, I am in constant awareness to keep this boundary as well. 
  3. I pray only to Jesus. We all have angels, guides, and fae energy around guiding us, but I honor God and only pray to Him. They are God's helpers though, and they are put here to help us. I pray to God and then ask them for their help, or ask for their help through God's name. 
  4. I believe Jesus is the Son of God and that He died for our sins. I also believe in the Holy Trinity. 
  5. I use Earthly protection and honor Mother Earth for the natural resources that she provides to us. 
  6. I bow to one man and one man only--Jesus Christ of Nazareth. 
These boundaries is why I practice the Christian faith. (Well, that and I enjoy a worship service where the Holy Spirit is present. I also listen to KLOVE. It's just what I like.) 

But my mystical side is what sets me apart. 

I am not able to just shove my gifts aside and deny the healing that worked for me after my Kundalini rose, and frankly, I just won't do it. 
Just as well, what I will never do is shove my Christianity aside. My Jesus has done too much for me and is the only way I have found comfort in these times. 

Visit my home page to read more about my experiences. 
I provide a list of books that have been vital to my mediumship development, and it is vital that you do as well. We have to learn to harness our gifts, or we will never live up to our potential or live in the true Light of God. 


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