Backward No More-- The End of a Series

(continued from part 2)
When my spiritual act of "enlightenment" happened, my crown absorbed everything happening around me while simultaneously every energy center inside me twisted, turned, flopped, and bubbled over.
My first state of bliss happened during this time too. My crown was the most open and, certainly, most stable that is has ever been to date. However, it was short-lived.
But this awakening occurred at the most toxic place I have ever visited, much less worked in.
My work environment was where cruelty not only festered, but infected all the energy in that place.
Needless to say, this was not healthy, although we, the staff, tried everything we could to make it that way.
-- My bosses were toxic, the clients were toxic, and, therefore, I became toxic-- my attitude, my demeanor, everything, including my home.
As my spirituality ascended, I absorbed this toxicity in every fiber of my being.
The toxicity infected in my upper three chakras-- my throat, third eye, and crown.

When these upper chakras are open, spirituality is balanced with the outside world. 
An enlightened individual is unaffected by rage, unaffected by change.
In the words of the Tao te Ching:Act without action.
Pursue without interfering. Taste the tasteless

This is what I pursued at first, then my mind seeped into an illusive disaster that I did not foresee.
It was so powerful, and I could not get hold my grip.
All I heard when trying to grasp this power was that I was crazy-- that I didn't see energy or auras. I didn't hear spirits; I was not being contacted by the dead. That I was psychotic and needed drugs.
They said that I was just seeing reflections of my own negative energies.
They tried to console me that I was indeed not cursed...

 The energy that attached to me during this time was named infection. It attacked and attached to my throat. This infection has taken strength to overcome, as well as persistence and perseverance.
But I cannot and certainly will not forget to mention the tears, heartbreak, and abuse that happened to me. It was not until a few months ago that the demon let go of me..

The first year after enlightenment was hard--  let me change that. Brutality is the word.
But here I am-- three jobs and several epiphanies later, and I have completely changed.
My diet, my habits, my mind set, my loyalty, my love for Jesus...

I could lay all the changes out one by one, but the point is that I have had to crumble to be made whole.
I have had to hurt people and leave my work behind...
I turned my back on the world-- I told them who I really am, and then I kept walking into God's plan for me.

This is a year later. After March of this year, every day is exactly a "year later" to me. I feel as if I'm changing every day in relation to the Britta who was July 2, 2016, as well as who Britta would have been and will be, but also was July 3, 2016. (The multi-dimensional tenses, lol!)

I feel as if I meet old Britta every day, and every day I realize my consciousness is not the same. (This is what happens when you are aware of multiple dimensions.)
Every chance I allow myself to take, I shed my ego some more. Every piece of advice that I allow myself to follow, I take that mask off.

Then, I take a look at the skin I shed and say, 'hey, I did not love you then, but now I will love myself and learn to forgive you.'

This is the last post of my backward transformation series. I did not even touch everything that happened because that would be (and will be) an entire book.
This is just how I felt as well as how I feel now that I am a year past the frightening things that happened to me.

I have realized that I am transcending my previous state of consciousness. I am evolving, and I feel it happening.
I supernaturally feel that I am ascending my mindset and circumstances.
However, when I do not match this vibration, I feel strange.

To be conscious is a choice, but consciousness expands with knowledge.
Consciousness, then, will be what is natural. You will want to seek knowledge to understand what's happening.
You will want to understand because no one else you know will believe you.
You will want to understand because you cannot.
Then, you will understand that you don't understand. That is consciousness.

I choose to be conscious. I choose the light. I choose to elevate my consciousness. I choose to practice discernment.
And most importantly, I choose Christ.
I promise the rest of my transformation will not be backward...

Stay tuned.

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