Entry 2 for today-- another non-edit entry

I'm vulnerable at any mistake that I make. It's hard trying to do this, but God tells me that it won't be for long. 
I have so many thing that I want to do this summer in so many aspects of life;
I want to help in the battle for gun control. 
I want to help get Donald Trump impeached. 
I want to write and get recognition for it. 
I want to figure out what the heck I'm doing for my initiative and its expansion. 

But God also tells me that I need to pick up my spiritual business. That's so exciting because it is my absolute dream to be able to heal people with the love and light of God-- a host of Reiki. 
It's just time to act, and this is a part of the action. 

No one really reads this anyway unless I advertise myself (which is also helpful and worth the effort). But where my hand is injured from a psychic attack, writing on here can be my diary of spiritual experiences, if you will. 

I have so many more stories and pieces of advice that I can give, but that will come with inspiration. Right now, I am just sincerely worn out. 
My covers on my bed are calling my name. 

I hope everything works out.

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